Legal Services for Prisoners with Children seeks law students and non-law students with a strong commitment to social justice and prison reform/abolition for its three internship terms throughout the year (Spring, Summer & Fall). Interns would assist with community organizing, law, policy and administrative support work. Applicants with experience and/or interest in any or all of the following areas are encouraged to apply. We also strongly encourage applications from individuals personally impacted by systems of mass incarceration. During summer sessions, interns are expected to work a minimum of 35 hours per week. For fall and spring sessions, we ask for a 16-hour per week minimum commitment.
Ideal candidates should have a demonstrated commitment to racial, gender, and/ or economic justice and strong research and writing skills. Writing samples of any kind, including excerpts, are accepted; please choose a piece that you feel highlights your writing and analytical skills and/ or dedication to social justice.
Our internships are unpaid, but we may be able to provide limited stipends to directly-impacted interns on a case-by-case basis. All internships take place at our Oakland office.
If you are interested in applying, please email a resume, cover letter, and a short (5 pages or fewer) writing sample to